Friday, March 6, 2020

Essentials of Life-Span Development essayEssay Writing Service

Essentials of Life-Span Development essayEssay Writing Service Essentials of Life-Span Development essay Essentials of Life-Span Development essay1) The key factors include moral and physical development of a person: economic independence, full-time job, responsibility for oneself, acceptance of actions’ consequences, establishment of relations with parents as equal, determination of beliefs and values.2) Regular exercise can prevent some diseases (stroke, heart diseases, high blood pressure, and some types of cancer), improve mood by easing stress after tough day, boost energy and endurance improving muscle strength. It burns calories and helps to solve problems with an excess weight that can cause harm to the health. Regular exercise also can help to fall asleep faster and deeper. In order to build exercise into our life, we should first of all choose the type(s) of exercise to do. It depends on the needs of a person (exercise for health, body and so on). Also it is necessary to consult a doctor to avoid an excess exercise stress. Then we need to define time for exercise and do it regularly.3) Sexual harassment is intimidation, humiliation or compulsion of a sexual nature, undesirable or improper promise of rewards for sexual services. It can also be any undesirable sexual contact with company management if such a contact is accompanied by threats or promises of changes in employment status.4) Realistic thinking is mental activity, directed at cognition and transformation of reality. Pragmatic thinking is mental activity, directed at reflection of reality in the light of knowledge, acquired from individual experiences. Reflective thinking is mental activity, directed at reflection of reality in which systematically revised its reasons and laws. Relativistic thinking is mental activity, directed at reflection of reality with constant understanding of dependence from context of its use.5) The impact of work on success in collage can be negative only when the student’s number of work hours per week exceeds 16. In the case when a student works weekly 1 -15 hours, the impact of work is positive. It is proved by many studies, that students working 1-15 hours per week have higher GPA that those who work more than 16 hours or doesn’t work at all.CHAPTER 121) An attachment can be characterized as secure (separation from caregiver causes distress, his return – joy), ambivalent (a child cannot depend on a caregiver), avoidant (a child avoid parents) and disorganized (a child can resist or avoid parents). Strong positive childhood attachments with parents tend to have lasting and successful romantic relations, good self-esteem and the ability to trust people and to disclose oneself to others in further life. Problems in forming attachments patterns with parents can cause different disorders in mentality (conduct disorder, oppositional-defiant disorder etc.2) The ancient Greeks recognized six types of love: eros, ludus, storge, pragma, mania and agape. Eros is a kind of romantic, tender, platonic love, strong affection to a p erson. Storge is a friendship love (to relatives, friends), to my mind it is typical for majority of people. Agape is a gentle love that makes a person care about his or her beloved. It can also be love for every human being, the one upon which the Lord calls us. Ludus is uncommitted love, a kind of game, when a person does not care a lot about feelings of someone else. Pragma is a love with benefits, mutually advantageous for both people. Mania is an obsessive love, when a person wants to possess completely his beloved and do not want to share him or her with anyone else.3) Despite all modern changes in social institutions, family is still an important and significant part of them. In the modern society family can be created even without marriage, but most people are still keeping to the formal union. Recent trends in marriage are tightly connected with social development. Thus, the technological progress changed a wife’s role if the family (it simplified cooking, clothes wa shing and drying, housecleaning, dishwashing), so a woman now has more time to enjoy her life. The development of mass-produced goods conditioned the change of marriage from production-based into consumption one. The development of consumption sphere together with leisure increased the need in high income.   A reasonable proxy to earn more is education, so marriage becomes appealing to people with a college degree. Culture variations in marriage can be expressed in religion and racial differences, social status of spouses.4) The effects of careers on parenting can be both positive and negative. On the one hand, parents can decrease stress related to finance, children learn to care for themselves and improve their knowledge of various careers. But on the other hand, parents have less time to spend with children, to help them with school lessons, to control their education. They can bring home negative emotions and frustration from work. Recent trends in childbearing demonstrate a l arge percent of illegitimate childbearing, abortions, use of contraception, decrease of an average number of fertility. Birth rate is higher in rural areas than in urban ones.5) There are a lot of communication differences between men and women, most of them are related to the childhood (girls build their friendship on conversations, boys prefer actions). In communication women discuss their problems, organize their thoughts and find out if the information is necessary or excessive only after pronouncing it. On the contrary men see communication as a means of reaching a concrete goal and share only essential details after choosing them among the whole story. In discussing problems men are action-oriented and start looking for solution at once, while women feel calm and understood after a mere conversation, they do not need any further action.

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