Sunday, January 26, 2020
The equal opportunities and managing diversity approaches
The equal opportunities and managing diversity approaches Compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of the equal opportunities and managing diversity approaches. Using the analysis above, discuss what the equal opportunities and diversity approaches could each contribute to the developed of an organisational programme to contract disadvantage of members of ONE of the following social group: Gender Ethnicity Disability Sexuality (2800 words) Intro: Diversity The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It means understanding that each individual is unique and recognizing our differences. Diversity is inevitable. It occurs in every mans day to day life without even noticing it. It occurs in every part of the world. According to (Anon 1, 2010), diversity is defined as the state or the fact of being difference. The dissimilarity is such as age, gender, ethnicity, different lifestyles and cultures, educational backgrounds, working methods, experiences, religious belief, sexual identity and against disabled people. Diversity in organisations reflects the changes that were occurring at the time of theorising equality developments. Organisations approach these issues by managing them using equality policy-making. Diversity has advanced from a traditional view to a more contemporary view because it covers a much wider framework than legal requirements in this modern society. The worlds increasing globalisation requires more interaction from diverse cultures, beliefs, and backgrounds than ever before. People no longer live and work in an insular marketplace; they are now part of a worldwide economy with competition coming from nearly every continent. For this reason, profit and non-profit organisations need diversity to become more creative and open to change. Maximising and capitalising on workplace diversity has become an important issue for management today. Today, in an organisation, each and every employee must accept the differences between individuals and respect them. Differences are seen in two aspects: people being valued for being diverse and unique which bring the uniqueness of a particular individual or organisation and the other aspect, a person marked as different, getting different treatment (Lecture Notes). Diversity issues are now considered important and are projected to become even more important in the future due to increasing differences. Companies need to focus on diversity and look for ways to become totally inclusive organisations because diversity has the potential of yielding greater productivity and competitive advantages (Society for Human Resource Management, 1995 cited in Green et al, 2002). Diversity is beneficial to both associates and employers. Although associates are interdependent in the workplace, respecting individual differences can increase productivity. Diversity in the workplace can reduce lawsuits and increase marketing opportunities, recruitment, creativity and business image (Esty et al., 1995 cited in Green et al, 2002). In an era when flexibility and creativity are keys to competitiveness, diversity is critical for an organisations success. Managing Diversity Managing diversity is defined as a management process that embraces the challenges of managing a workforce that is heterogeneous in terms of culture, ethnicity, religious belief, political affiliation, sexuality, gender and disability (Oxford University Press, 2009). Managing diversity is about assessing differences and treating people with dignity and allowing everyone, not taking into account their differences, to be able to perform to their level of ability. Managing and valuing diversity is a key component of effective people management, which can improve workplace productivity (Black Enterprise, 2001 cited in Green et al, 2002, p.2). Demographic changes, such as women in the workplace, organisational restructurings, and equal opportunity legislation, will require organisations to review their management practices and develop new and creative approaches to managing people. Changes will increase work performance and customer service. According to Smed et al (1994 cited in Liff, 1996, pp.14-16), there are four approaches of equality: dissolving differences, utilising differences, accommodating differences and valuing differences. Dissolving differences may be seen more as equal opportunity than diversity management. Valuing differences, apparently, is the main approach to diversity management. This approach includes providing and initiating for the people, such as training and educating employees in the organisation to help them understand the organisational processes and boost their confidence. Accommodating and utilising differences, unlike dissolving and valuing differences which represents the dominant strands in the diversity management, are almost similar to some equal opportunity approaches (Liff, 1996, pp.14-15). According to Kirton et al (2009, pp.5-7), inequality in the neoclassical economics, the employment outcome reflects every individuals preferences and choices. Inequality existence is due to the system of production that is based on the principles of market competition. Equal Opportunity Equal opportunity aims to ensure that our working and learning environments are free from discrimination and harassment and that policies, procedures, structures and services created by government and organisations do not disadvantage anyone based on their disability, socio-economic background, location, language, cultural or ethnic background, gender, sexual preference, marital status or religious and political conviction. Equal opportunity is defined as an elastic notion that is caused by the appropriate measurement of the particular problem (Anon 2, 2010). In equal opportunity, differences are dissolved under the equality policies (Liff, 1996, pp.13-14). Differences exist between every living being, however, they do not need much attention from the legal approaches. Advantages of Equal Opportunity Equality of opportunity sets, that is, rendering the sets of choices available to different individuals the same (Roemer, 2002:456). It aims justice for all by preventing discrimination. Equal opportunity for all might be provided with the harmony of social, cultural, economic and legal conditions that affect each other successively. According to Liff (1996, pp.11-12), equal opportunity do not focus on differences. Under equal opportunity, everyone regardless of their age, gender, or ethnic origin should be treated equally. In the UK, a legal framework underpins the importance of equal opportunity approaches to treat everyone equally (Liff, 1996, p.12). This approach primarily protects gender against inequality and being discriminated at work. Although differences exist between people, differences should not be acknowledged in this approach; instead, it should be ignored. In an organisation, it should not be assumed that men are more committed to the job compared to women. The chances of a married woman going away on maternity leave should not be judged just because she is married. There is a possibility that this woman might not want to have kids. There is also a possibility that a man at work might meet with an accident and be away for nine months on sick leave. Therefore, men and women should be treated equall y in an organisation. Ethnic minorities should as well be treated equally and organisations should not have the assumption that people of different ethnicity could not speak their language. There are many ethnic minorities from Commonwealth countries speak English as their first language, because the British influence during the British Colonial in their countries. For that reason, ethnic minorities should also be treated equally and should not be assumed that they do not speak the international language. The main aim to create equal opportunity is to create a context where every individual is able to demonstrate and perform to their relevant capabilities. They should be judges on the basis that they are equal. Limitations to Equal Opportunity Not focusing on differences, equal opportunity found its limitation to accommodate other minorities, such as aged people, religious belief and disability. These minorities may need special attention or legal framework enforced to protect them from being discriminated. According to Liff (1996, pp. 12-13), in an organisations decision making, individuals gender an ethnicity are stripped of to be equal. Any form of unfair, unequal treatment because of age, disability, marital status, ethnicity, religion, social-economical background, and any other factor that can give rise to unfair treatment is called discrimination. Discrimination may be defined as selection of the candidates for a work according to the criterias which are not related to the job directly (Daft, 1991) Discrimination prevents equality of opportunity in any way. If an employer asks for a requirement that is not a bona fide occupation qualification (BFOQ) candidates who do no have that special requirement can not apply for the work. Some approaches of equal opportunity appear to break the principle of ignoring differences (Liff, 1996, pp.12-13). Advantages of Managing Diversity Unlike equal opportunity, diversity management focuses on differences (Liff, 1996, pp.11-12). By employing a diverse workforce can be beneficial to both the organisation as well as the stakeholders. Diversity management strategies can help create a link between the internal and external aspects of the work of an organisation. The organisation is, then, better able to understand the demographics of the marketplace it supplies. By knowing the marketplace and the customer better makes the business easier to manage, especially if the organisation employs men and women, people from many generations, people from ethnically and racially diverse backgrounds and so on. The diversified workforce gives the organisation a better understanding of the demographics as well as the marketplace. For instance the marketing department of an organisation with a diversified workforce will better understand the market structure and the demand of the market from its different employees knowledge and experie nce. It, therefore, makes the organisation better equipped to thrive in the challenging market. A diverse workforce in an organisation would improve employees satisfaction and inspire all of their employees to perform to their ability. Company-wide strategies can then be executed. The work pattern will, eventually, show a better productivity, profit, and return on investment. Employees will feel safer and more secure working for an organisation with a better managed diversified workforce. A diverse workforce that feels comfortable communicating varying points of view provides a larger pool of ideas and experiences. The organisation can draw from that pool to meet business strategy needs and the needs of customers more effectively. Hence, it can supply a greater variety of solutions to problems in service, sourcing, and allocation of resources. Employees from diverse backgrounds bring individual talents and experiences in suggesting ideas and a collection of skills, such as languages and cultural understanding, which are flexible in adapting to fluctuating markets and customers demands on a global basis. Disadvantages of Managing Diversity Diversity in the workplace brings about many benefits to the organisation, as well it can lead to many dispute. Managing diversity, according to many organisations is more than simply acknowledging differences in every employee. Apparently, it is more difficult to motivate and manage a diversified workforce. Miscommunication occurs in managing diversity, due to having people from all walks of life. Different gender sometime interpret things differently based on their gender instinct, different ethnic group may have different culture in doing things and by having too many people of different religion and not understand each one of them may cause a big trouble when organisation an event. Perceptual, cultural and language barriers need to be overcome for diversity programs to succeed. Ineffective communication of key objectives results in confusion, lack of teamwork, and low morale. Resistance to change and accept diversity management in their workplace silences new ideas and inhibit progress. The inability to manage diversity in a proper way in the workplace can be extremely harmful and can costs the organisation by creating negative image, high employee turn over rate, loss of advertising revenue, discrimination suits, ligitation time and money. Diversity management, if handled insensitively, may invade employees privacy and poorly handled programme may result in conflict and ill-felling. Hence, cultural bias is another factor to diversity management disadvantages. It refers to prejudice and discrimination. According to Liff (1996), prejudice refers to an unjust behaviour and preconceived opinion and attitude towards an employee based on his or her culture group identity or religious belief. Discrimination on the other hand refers to observable adverse behaviour for the same reason. It also means a judgement of recognition and understanding of the difference between different people. In some organisations, assimilations are created to create a situation in which some individuals are different and they are likely to fail. Deep-seated prejudices may be brought into the open, causing short-term tension. Implementation of a diversity programme may, in the short term, be expensive. Sexuality Sexuality was defined as something which a society produces in complex ways (Weeks, 1986, p.25 cited in Hearn et al, 1996). Diverse social practices caused meaning to social activities, of social definitions and self-definitions, of struggles between those who have power to define and regulate and those who resists. There are five factors of sexuality: sex discrimination, sexual harassment, sexual orientation, gender identity and sexual attraction (Kormanik, 2009). When an employment decision is based on sex and gender, it is a sexuality factor of sex discrimination. In the construction site, for example, construction workers are usually men. This is because women is seen as the more feminine sex and could not be able to carry weights. Sexual harassment is a form of teasing and demeaning behaviour made by a group of people about an individual. Usually, at a workplace the more feminine female worker is likely to be sexually harassed by her male co-worker. Sexual orientation, on the other hand, is an individuals erotic or affection deposition to the same and or opposite sex. A persons sexual orientation is the attraction to the opposite sex and or even the same sex. Gender identity is the individuals psychological sense of the sex, either being male or a female. According to Jamison (1983:46 cited in Kormanik, 2009), sexual attraction is a quality or feature that attracts that one person experiences the exhilaration of inclination toward another person. Equal Opportunity and Diversity contributes to disadvantages of Sexuality In the past, people are more conservative and have inherent ideas from cultural and philosophical past which makes them perceive that accepting lesbians, gay men and bisexuals will wreck the society, culture and beliefs and reflects some form of devils. Even in the modern society, there are people who cannot accept lesbians, gay men and bisexuals and tend to treat them in a way that these lesbians, gay men and bisexual people are unable to for into the society. Many heterosexual parents think if they accept lesbian and gay people or bisexual people in their society, it would eventually rein the society, itself, especially the younger generations. It is the lesbian and gay people and the bisexual peoples biggest fear is being refused by the public, the society and relationship with other colleagues in the workplace and fear that the job or promotion opportunity is in threat. There might be some fear towards being discriminated in the overall labour market. In the education and childre n channel broadcast industry, lesbians, gay men and bisexuals are being discriminated and not offered the job. Parents fear that their children will grow up into a homosexual or bisexual. Heterosexuals who discriminate against lesbians, gay men and bisexual people often harass them verbally. Whether at work or in public, heterosexual people often act as though they are more superior to the homosexual and bisexual people and patronise them which makes the homosexual and bisexual people felt patronised and afraid and feel intimidated to face the public in their true identity. For that reason, homosexuals and bisexuals are more likely to be harassed, especially at work, compared to heterosexuals. The issue of sexuality was avoided in organisations in the past. No one was supposed to bring up the issue of sexuality of homosexuals and bisexuals as it opposes many cultures and religions and many societies conservative attitude towards them. It was not against the law to refuse the homosexuals and bisexuals in an employment or refuse any of their benefits. In the labour market, the workforce is usually dominated by the heterosexual people. Homosexuals and heterosexual people try to be like heterosexual, in order to keep their job and their current position in the organisation. In many organisations, however, discrimination and harassment against homosexual and bisexual people still occur. There is a strong discrimination against homosexual and bisexual people. Most of the cases are verbal and physical act against them, the lack of information, hence, makes it difficult to prove. Therefore, many lesbians, gay men and bisexual people rather conceal their sexual identity. It is easier for lesbians, gay men and bisexual people to conceal their identity compared to other groups of diversity (Kirton et al, 2010, p.39). Sexuality can be easily concealed by not revealing it to anyone around. At work, heterosexuals usually dominate the work environment and those who are against homosexual people and bisexual people often harass them verbally, some even physically. Homosexual people and bisexual people are often seen as an object to the heterosexual which they can make fun of. Which makes the homosexuals and bisexuals develop some form of fear against the society an d the society acceptance of them, despite those who are in favour of them, and tend to be quiet and shy. Higher income earners who are identified as homosexuals or bisexuals reportedly found it more difficult to be open about their sexuality at work (Palmer, 1993 cited in Kirton et al, 2010, p.40). In organisations, top management people are expected to be at certain professional manner and are expected to set an example to their subordinates. It goes the same for teachers to students and television presenter to children. According to Shape et al (1995 cited in Kirton et al, 2010, p.40), it is unaccepted to many organisations that their top management people are open about their sexuality if they are homosexuals or bisexuals. In certain professional field, such as teaching, the health science, television broadcast and the military, people are expected to be clean or conceal their sexual orientation at work. Many studies proved that gay men tend to receive lower wages compared to heterosexual men (Schmidt, 2008). On the other hand, lesbian women receive higher wages compared to heterosexual women (Schmidt, 2008). In recent years, many European countries governments enforced and reformed laws and rules and regulations to protect homosexuals and bisexuals at work. Some governments even protect homosexuals and bisexuals in their normal lives. According to the Employment Equality Regulation 2003, there is an act which protects homosexuals and bisexuals from sexual discrimination or harassment. Like many other lawsuits, there are many cases seeking to protect homosexual partners from sexual harassment due to sexual orientation have been unsuccessful. In Whitfield v. Cleanway UK Ltd (2005), homosexuals and bisexuals are often being discriminated at work. A similar case was decided, Reaney v. Hereford Diocesan Board of Finance (2007) ET 1602844/06. The case involved homosexuals and bisexuals being discriminated on religious grounds. Some countries have policies against homosexuals and bisexuals, such as Algeria, Iran, Liberia and Nepal. There are countries would still legally punish homosexuality on religious grounds. Malaysia, for instance, fine and or jail sentence for up to 20 years (Anon 3, 2010). Some countries set death penalty to homosexuals and bisexuals to punish them. The Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts reviewed a case, Weber v. Community Teamwork Inc (2001) 434 Mass. 761, 752 N.E.2d 700, where a lesbian plaintiff claimed she had been terminated from her job based on sex discrimination and discrimination based on sexual orientation. In Muzzy v Cahillane Motors Inc (2001) 434 Mass. 409, 749 N.E.2d 691 reviewed by the Supreme Judicial Court of Massachusetts, the case involved a lesbian complaining that her boss, who was also a lesbian, sexually harassed her on the job. In both these cases, the Court found insufficient proof to support the plaintiffs case (insufficient evidence that the work environment was intolerable) and dismissed those cases. These cases reflects hostile work environment, which is based on verbal and physical acts that make the workplace intolerable. It is more difficult to prove a compilation of acts, gestures, jokes and innuendoes. Conclusion A diverse workforce is a reflection of a changing world and marketplace. Diverse teams bring high value to organisations. Respecting individual differences will benefit the workplace by creating a competitive edge and increasing work productivity. Diverse management benefits associates by creating a fair and safe environment where everyone has access to opportunities and challenges. Management tools in a diverse workforce should be used to educate everyone about diversity and its issues, including laws and regulations. Most workplaces are made up of diverse cultures, so organisations need to learn how to adapt to be successful. Differences live forever and human mentality is not easy to be influence over a few decades, therefore, discrimination continues and it is inevitable. It might need far longer time to manage the diverse culture of the world. According to the Fortune 500 in 2006, there is an increasing number of organisations that are taking steps forward managing diversity in the workplace. These companies begin to provide basic benefits to homosexual and bisexual staffs, such as the health benefits. Another reason for taking that step is to assist employees and management in moving through the state of being aware of other employees sexual orientation and gender identity.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Database Environment
Database Environment Paper DBM-380 November 18, 2012 Introduction A database defines a structure for storing information and it collects information that is organized in such a way that a computer program can quickly select desired pieces of data. A database can also be thought of as anà electronic filingà system. Data and information are extracted from a database by creating a query and then submitting it to the query database management system (DBMS) and it is posed in a language that only the DBMS can understand.The query can be in the form of a question or just a keyword and once these queries run against the database, it will find a matching record (Reynolds, 2004) . Database Decisions When building a system for information, you have to decide how much responsibility for data management your software will take. A database can be rather large or it can be small depending on the information that is being stored. Request for information from a database are made in the form of a query or a question asking the database for particular information.All databaseà management systemsà are not the same from a technical standpoint. They differ mostly in the way they organize their information internally. The internal organization can then determine how quickly and supplely the information can be extracted (Jupitermedia, 2011) . Analyzing the use of databases Analyzing the use of databases In the Client Fulfillment department at Tactical Training Group Pacificââ¬â¢s, there are two databases that are mainly used and those are the Command Active directory and the Military & Civilian SME (MC&SME).These databases are very vital to this department because they help with the daily production goals. With the use of the command directory, it is helpful in finding different associates throughout the organization as well as finding certain departments, phone numbers, mail codes, locations of command training centers, and Watch Station machines. When creating aà new a ccountà for a client or associate they must state whether they are an existing client or that they are an associate the command directory is accessed to verify this information in order for them to receive the benefits as an associate.Another advantage of the command directory is helping to find other department phone numbers or Watch Station locations. With the command directory database you select the field that you are searching for like associate search, location, telephone number, Watch Station and then you enter your query not in the form of a question but a certain query language that is understood by this database to extract this information. This database relies on the Microsoft SQL server.Another database that is used command is the Military & Civilian Subject Matter Experts (MC&SME). This database is used to help associates across all lines of business to do their job effectively. MC&SME contains processes and procedures for each department to abide by so if you are not sure on how to complete a customer request or the correct information to give to a customer it can all be found on MC&SME. MC&SME works on structured query language or SQL that it is usually asked a stylized question in order to execute and answer.This is a very large database because it contains so many work procedures and specialists that are very important for each and every department at TTGP Command. Data specifications For TTGP it is important to remember that we have three types of people in our database Command Staff, Clients and Subject Matter Experts(SME) for training areaââ¬â¢s and certifications. The Following entities and attributes will apply relationally to all three areas 1. Command Staff: * Name * Address * Phone number * Department Name * Supervisor . Client/Customer: * Name * Address * Phone number * Company Name * Company POC/Supervisor 3. Subject Matter Expert(SME) * SME Name * Company Name * Certifications (Separated By Commas) * Special Training * Cost for Services The requirement for this Database is to ensure a check is made relationally for either name or skills to ensure duel entities arenââ¬â¢t entered. This DB is high usage throughout the day and has to backup and saved daily so that repairsââ¬â¢ upkeep and maintenance can be done by the night IT crew.Database Management/Upkeep Both of these databases, the Command Directory and MC&SME have to be managed and regular maintenance has to be done in order to keep the information up to date. There are so many changes for associate / employee information if they leave the company or switch department or even if a department is no longer functioning all of this information has to be current. With MC&SME, there are so many changes to job procedures qualifications Etcâ⬠¦ very day in order to minimize fraud or if new products are on the market and other ones are no longer being offered, MC&SME sends an alert immediately so if it affects your part of production, you will have to read it right away and make all necessary changes on how your work is done so the administration of both databases are important in order to take full advantage of the output to the relevant query. Proposing Improvements Improvements that can be done in order to maximize results for both of these atabases are to make them more client friendly. The Command directory could contain less fields in order to search for results since the 411information page search and the location search is going to give you the same results and if you are not sure or the correct spelling of an member of staffââ¬â¢s name, the ââ¬Å"sounds likeâ⬠field is not very helpful because it will come back with too many results and you still have to keep looking. MC&SME can definitely be made more user friendly.This is the most confusing database because if you donââ¬â¢t have the proper training it will take hours just to look up simple information. MC&SME needs to be reduced in search / query size in or der to maximize retrieval results faster. Conclusion Because this 3 entity with attributes relational Database has such a high operational Tempo we need to ensure that only the critical attributes fields are used. This will help in not only over all DB performance but help with query retrieval speed as well.Keeping the relational processing required down to a minimum is imperative. Constant upgrades, maintenance along with security patches are done and need to remain transparent to the user. This database is akin to the lungs that breathe life into our command. References Jupitermedia. (2011, Spring). Internal Database Organization. Retrieved from http://jupitermedia. org/DBorg Reynolds, J. N. (2004). Database Structures. PC Magizine, 10(7), 123.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Coronary Artery Disease Nursing Care Plan
Coronary Artery Disease Tabatha Turner Practicum I Arkansas Tech University Coronary Artery Disease ââ¬Å"Acute coronary syndromes represent a spectrum of clinical conditions that are associated with acute myocardial ischemiaâ⬠(Gulanick & Myers, 2011). Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is one of these clinical conditions that affect approximately 13 million people (Rimmerman, 2011). Because coronary diseases are the leading cause of death in men and women, nurses need to be involved in the care and education of people with or without CAD. Prevention is the best cure. Nurses play an important role in the treatment of CAD by offering and supplying comfort for anxiety and pain, minimizing symptoms and side effects, educating patients on the disease process, and helping to reduce risks and promote healthier lifestyles. Pathophysiology The heart is supplied blood, oxygen, and nutrients by the coronary arteries. When functioning normally, the coronary arteries ensure adequate oxygenation of the myocardium at all levels of cardiac activity (Klabunde, 2010). CAD is a heart disease that is caused by impaired blood flow to or through the coronary arteries. Several disorders can arise from the disease ranging from myocardial ischemia to myocardial infarction. Blood flow through the coronary arteries is usually dictated by the heartââ¬â¢s need for oxygen. It is controlled by physical, metabolic and neural factors and uses 60 to 80% of the oxygen in the blood that flows through the coronary arteries (Porth, 2011). When this blood flow is interrupted, damage ensues. Blood flow can be blocked by atherosclerosis, the buildup of fats and cholesterol in and on the artery walls (plaques) (Mayo Clinic, 2012). These buildups can be either stable and obstruct blood flow or unstable, ââ¬Å"which can rupture and cause platelet adhesion and thrombus formationâ⬠(Porth, 2011). When the plaques are disrupted and a thrombus is formed, blood flow is obstructed and a myocardial infarction (MI) can occur. This obstruction starves the heart of oxygen and can cause angina (chest pain) and necrosis of the heart muscle. Risk Factors There are modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors for CAD. Patient teaching should include modifiable risks that can be avoided such as smoking, obesity, uncontrolled hypertension, high LDL levels and low HDL levels, uncontrolled diabetes, high stress, and sedentary lifestyles (Mayo Clinic, 2012). Many of these can be controlled by diet, exercise, and smoking cessation. Non-modifiable risk factor include age, gender (men are more at risk for CAD but womenââ¬â¢s risk increases after menopause), and family history. According to the Mayo Clinic, the patientââ¬â¢s risk is highest if their father or brother was diagnosed with heart disease before age 55, or their mother or sister developed it before age 65. Since these factors cannot be controlled, it is extremely important to control the modifiable ones especially if the patient is at greater risk due to non-modifiable factors. Pathophysiology of MI Myocardial infarctions affect approximately ? million people each year in the US. 50% of the people affected die before reaching the hospital (KU, 2012). MI is characterized by the ischemic death of myocardial tissue associated with CAD. This occurs when blood flow through the coronary arteries is significantly reduced or blocked and the heart muscle does not receive enough oxygen. A ââ¬Å"heart attackâ⬠usually has a quick onset with chest pain being the significant symptom due to the lack of oxygen (Porth, 2011). Other symptoms can be fatigue, dyspnea, and heart palpitations. Treatment for CAD The goal in treating CAD is to restore adequate coronary perfusion. If that is not possible, medications can be used to reduce the oxygen demand by the heart (Klabunde, 2011). Treatment options for CAD include reducing risk factors, use of medications, and surgery. Patients can slow the disease process by stopping smoking, eating healthier, and participating in more active lifestyles. Medications that can be used are anti-platelets and anticoagulants that dissolve clots, or anti-angina drugs such as beta blockers (decrease myocardial oxygen consumption by decreasing the actions of the sympathetic nervous system), calcium channel blockers (decreases eart rate and strength of contraction and relaxes blood vessels, decreasing blood pressure), or nitroglycerin (dilates the arteries to increase blood flow, reducing myocardial oxygen consumption) (Smeltzer, S. , Hinkle J. , Bare, B. , & Cheever, K. 2010). Usually cardiac catheterizations are done to determine blockage percentages (Appendix B). In extreme cases of CAD, stents can be implanted within the artery to restore blood flow or bypass grafts can be placed from an artery or vein elsewhere in the body to bypass the diseased segment (Klamunde, 2010). Nursing Diagnoses CAD can be life threatening if the disease is allowed to progress. Therefore measures should be taken to prevent progression. Proper, thorough assessment and nursing interventions can help. The first priority nursing diagnosis for a patient with CAD would be: Ineffective cardiac tissue perfusion related to reduced coronary blood flow secondary to CAD as evidenced by chest pain, blood pressure of 164/88, and pulse ox of 90% on room air. This is the first priority because if the heart is not properly fed, the pump can fail and will result in inadequate circulation for the whole body which could cause death. The second priority nursing diagnosis would be: Acute pain related to ischemia secondary to CAD as evidenced by restlessness, increased blood pressure, 143/88, and verbal report of pain in left shoulder and left jaw of 8/10 (on a numeric 1-10 scale) that has been unrelieved by over the counter medications. If pain is not managed, the body systems will continue to respond increasing vasoconstriction which in turn increases BP which could eventually lead to a cardiovascular accident or death. The third nursing diagnosis for a patient with CAD that is a smoker and has an unhealthy diet is: Risk prone health behavior related to inadequate comprehension of disease process as evidenced by patient smoking ? a pack of cigarettes a day and eating fast food and fried foods regularly. These behaviors are both modifiable risk factors and should be included in the patient teaching. Nursing Goals For the priority nursing diagnosis of Ineffective Cardiac Tissue Perfusion, he goals would be:Patient will attain adequate tissue perfusion and cellular oxygenation as evidenced by a pulse ox of 96% or above on 2L oxygen by nasal cannula within 8 hoursPatient will verbalize an understanding of the disease process and the therapy regimen by discharge.The goals for the diagnosis of Acute Pain would be:Patient will verbally describe the level (using a numeric 1-10 scale) and characteristics of their pain every 2 hoursPatient will report pain goal of
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Past Relationships And Forming New Relationships - 851 Words
Roach Group topic: Past Relationships and Forming New Relationships In todayââ¬â¢s session, the group learned the roles that friends play in their recovery. Group members were to identify old friends who are supportive/not supportive of their recovery, and brainstorm and discuss ways to develop healthy relationships. PO had a strong participation in the group activities, and stated that she disengaged herself from most of her old friends as most of them are chemically dependent. PO expressed ââ¬Å"respect, sobriety, honesty, intelligence, positive attitude, and motivatedâ⬠as some of the important values in developing new friendships. PO is continually making progress in treatment, and appears to be in the maintenance stage of change. Spencer Group topic: Past Relationships and Forming New Relationships In todayââ¬â¢s session, the group learned the roles that friends play in their recovery. Group members were to identify old friends who are supportive/not supportive of their recovery, and brainstorm and discuss ways to develop healthy relationships. PO had a strong participation in the group activities, and stated that she disengaged herself from friends that are still using alcohol and/or drugs. PO expressed ââ¬Å"honesty, respect, supportive, and stay soberâ⬠as some of the important values in developing new friendships. PO is continually making progress in treatment, and appears to be in the action stage of change. Johnson Group topic: Past Relationships and FormingShow MoreRelatedFamily Feud in Anita Desaià ´s Clear Light of Day1339 Words à |à 6 Pagesinitiated by Indiaââ¬â¢s independence from Britain, attempted to accommodate irreconcilable religious differences between Muslims and Hindus by forming the Islamic Pakistan. 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Unlike adolescence it is notRead MoreThe Brave New World by Aldous Huxley1054 Words à |à 4 PagesWhy are the people of the World State discouraged from having close relationships and families? In the Brave New World, by Aldous Huxley, Huxley creates a world where it can be seen as both a utopic and a dystopic state. The story is placed in the World State, where the government controls the majority of the planets population. The government, controlled by ten World Controllers, mass produces people in tubes into five different castes. At the top the social class, there are the Alphas, who areRead MoreThe Naked Citadel By Cathy Davidson1554 Words à |à 7 Pagesimpact of creative thinking, traditions, and relationships. One essential component that begins to shape identity is critical thinking because of the way that it assists in creating an individual s personality. The way we think is what separates us from each other, for if all people had similar or the same thoughts, what diversity is there? The students of Duke University had their own individual thoughts about how the iPod could be used, which resulted in new applications for learning purposes. TheseRead MoreI Am The Only Girl Of Five Brothers855 Words à |à 4 Pagesteaching, exploring and discovering the mysterious. I have an intense curiosity of life, I love traveling as long as the ride isnââ¬â¢t boring and I love eating and trying different foods. Another piece of my personality comes from my current place as a new mommy. Being a mom makes me more affectionate, caring, fun, yet overprotective and accepting. Another addition or growth in a characteristic in my personality is the very recent death of my mother. After my motherââ¬â¢s incident I am more cautious of myRead MoreThe Breakfast Club Movie Analysis1668 Words à |à 7 Pagesmuch different from yourself, and forming of new friendships are all situations I have witnessed firsthand. Throughout the movie, communication and the formation of relationships prove to be main focal points. Using concepts such as the Social Penetration Theory, the Uncertainty Reduction Theory, and the Turning Point Model, the famous movie The Breakfast Club successfully demonstrates the many forms of interpersonal communication and the stages of relationship development. The first theory exemplifiedRead MoreApplying Normalized Tables And The Model Of The Entity Relationship Diagram Can Then Improve The Conceptual Model1206 Words à |à 5 Pagestable to achieve its goal. Since the Entity Relationship Diagram will also contain the appropriations amongst the attributes, as a common base to identify the entity type structure, than it is possible to then apply the normalization principles, all during the conceptual data modeling phase. Enacting Normalization during the Entity Relationship Diagram can then improve the conceptual model, and therefore speed its utilization. The Entity Relationship Diagram has acquired lots of extensions and also
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